Helping Create The Life You Desire
Attention Superstorm Sandy Survivors
I am offering free services to support you during the rebuilding. 
Contact me for details- Ann

Lifestyle-Specialist Blog

January 21, 2013
Wrapping up work on SuperStorm Sandy support program
We have been working on final edits on the audio files, they will be topic specific and 5-10 minutes in length.  The plan is to post the files so that they can be downloaded when they are needed.  We will be launching the "drop in" coaching sessions in early February.  These coaching sessions are a free community service for those impacted by the storm. I want to help those involved in Robert Frost said...“In three words I can sum up everything I have learned about life, ‘it goes on’.”

December 5 2012

Moxie Series is popular demand

I’m excited that the first tele-class was brought to fruition and now I’m launching a new series beginning January 10, 2013.   The feedback was so amazing that I decided to do it again.  There are new things that pop up and things we have put off that may need a little nudge from a coach.  The intent is to help you live the life you want by learning to appreciate more (and complain less).

Registration for the series is at

November  28 2012

Appreciation, thank you, thank you, thank you.

  It is that simple…look for things to feel good about, to appreciate and feel it to your core.  Feel it, just feel it, do you feel it? Your feelings are your indicator of where you are, pay attention to how you feel and you will begin to discover the connection from the head to the heart.  Your thoughts create your feelings.  Hand in hand like a glove.  Try it on for size and see what happens.

November 8 2012

Our contribution in support of rebuilding after Sandy-

I belong to a group of coaches that responded with energy and enthusiasm when I suggested that we apply ourselves as resources in the storm recovery effort.  As coaches, this is what we do, we get groups of people together on the phone, and power up, recharge, support each other, and generally feel better after our time together.  This could be an important support element during the recovery from the storm.  We are not counselors; this is not free therapy…this is (free) coaching, a safe place to work though this difficult time.  We have a group that meets on Tuesdays at 7 pm.  Sign up using the link…or DM on Facebook or email  me if you want to set up free individual time.  Direct registration for the free Tele-Summit series is at



October 15 2012

Rebooting my Practice

It has been a long time since my last post.  I spent the last year or so on a special assignment.  My old office went through an abrupt leadership change and I was asked to step in and help manage the transition.  I was happy to help, they were so good to me over the years.  The assignment was a win-win, I was able to coach…and coach…and coach some more.   

A few months ago as I was looking at rebooting my own coaching practice, my phone rang.  It was my friend Nikki Buckelew, she and her husband Chris were forming a coaching group…and did I want to be a member?  This was a gift…the group provides the support and structure that I need which allows me to do what I love…coaching.